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Tabernacle experience at Calvary
A similar replica Tabernacle at Timna Park.

Calvary Community Church is taking the community back to the Old  Testament and setting up a life-size replica of the Tabernacle of Moses during this Easter season.

It is now open through East Sunday at the campus of the Manteca church’s Road campus. Details appear in a box accompanying this story on the jump page

 We first hear of the Tabernacle in the book of Exodus where we learn that from the time the Israelites had their Exodus from Egypt on through to the conquering of the land of Canaan they wandered in the desert for 40 years. It was at this crucial, wilderness time that God directed Moses and the Israelites to build the Tabernacle as a portable sanctuary, a sacred place where God would meet His people and remind them of His continual presence and holiness. 

 Originally the mobile sanctuary was set up in center of the camp, with the 12 tribes of Israel setting their tents around it. God’s command to build a specific holy dwelling place was to assure His people that He would be among them, guiding, leading and providing. God proved this by appearing as a pillar of cloud over the tabernacle by day and a pillar of fire by night. It was a much needed visual statement of His presence among the weary wanders during their journey. (Exodus 40:38)

 Calvary’s senior pastor Joe Brown, is particularly excited about bringing this biblical replica to the community which offers an active audio tour and guides visitors through the three main sections of the Tabernacle: the outer court, the Holy place, and the most Holy place.  Walking through this significant piece of biblical history, will bring a deeper understanding of the meaning behind Tabernacle as well as a clearer revelation of God’s very real and personal presence in our lives today.

“Easter is all about direct access to God through the atoning work of His son Jesus.  Before Jesus, a holy man had to atone for the sins of the people in the most holy place on a holy day. Although we don’t need a tent or a sanctuary anymore because we can dwell with our holy God by receiving Jesus, The Tabernacle Experience reminds us that holiness is still important to God,” Pastor Frown said.

In addition to the Tabernacle Experience, Calvary will also offer The Messiah in the Passover, a powerful presentation of Israel’s freedom from slavery as well as individual freedom from the bondage of sin. This presentation will give visitors meaningful insight of the Passover, communion table which helps in the understanding of why we celebrate Easter.