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Telethon total now at $100,391
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Late pledges have pushed the 2009 Manteca/Lathrop Boys & Girls Club Telethon total to $100,391.

The telethon – made possible through the efforts of Comcast Cable plus sponsorship by Doctors Hospital of Manteca – covers between 25 to 30 percent of the club’s operation. It is the organization’s biggest fundraiser of the year.
The club serves 1,500 youth in both communities.

The goal was $120,000. The money raised, though, came within $2,000 of the 2008 total.

Planning has already started for the 29th annual telethon.

It will have several changes including moving away from Thanksgiving week for three first times since its inception.

The tentative dates are Nov. 8-9, 2011.

Plans are also to expand live streaming and to possibly add remote broadcast locations.

The club starts Christmas hours next week during school vacation. They will be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday while school is out.

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Council makes appointments to commissions

Donald Reed and Peggy Thompson have been appointed to the Manteca Senior Advisory Board by the Manteca City Council.

Barbara Brickman was picked as the alternate.

Jennifer Andermahr was selected to serve a four-year term on the Manteca Parks and Recreation Commission.

Ron Cheek and George Rodriguez were appointed to the Manteca Building Board of Appeals.

Five hit Manteca fireworks jackpot

The five winners in the lottery drawing for 2010 fireworks booths for the Fourth of July in Manteca were picked on Dec. 9.

The winners are Journey Church of Nazarene, Boys & Girls Club, Northgate Little League, His Way Recovery House, and Manteca Historical Society.

Also getting permission as carryovers from the 2008 fireworks lottery were American Legion Post #249, Calvary Community Church, East Union High School Band Boosters, Freedom Christian Center, Knights of Columbus, Manteca CAPS, Manteca Convention & Visitors Bureau, Manteca High School Athletic Boosters, and the South County Crisis Center.

Running the city stand is the Manteca Police Officers Association. Part of the city stand’s proceeds help defray the cost of aerial fireworks. The MPOA uses the balance for various community undertaking including the $5,000 shopping spree they just completed for Christmas gifts for needy children last Saturday at Target.

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Carols & Kisses through Saturday

East Union High School Choir members are available to carol to your friends, family members and party gatherings.  Their annual Carols and Kisses fund raiser will be available through December 19.  

Prices start at $10 for two or three Christmas carols and a bag of Hershey Kisses.  

Contact Anne Talcott at or call 480-1440 for more information.

Unique ways to commemorate the spring equinox
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The first day of spring is an opportunity to enjoy what makes the season so special. Celebrate the new season with plenty of creative ideas, from sowing seeds to enjoying an outdoor picnic.
Whether it’s a picnic or a barbecue, serve up a warm-weather feast with salads, sandwiches and other dishes that are normally served outdoors.
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