Finley’s Bar and Grill is garnering some national attention.
The establishment located north of Manteca near French Camp will soon be featured on a segment of “My Ghost Story” on the A&E Bio Channel.
Owner Deborah Finley and her husband, Mark, were recently flown down to Culver City by the production team of Mark Phillips’ Philms and Telephision for the taping of the interview.
Last week, Zach Settewongse, a free lance videographer / cinematographer from Reno, spent an entire day filming interior and exterior shots of Finley’s Bar & Grill. His resume includes the Nike “A Single Dream” commercial and the closer-to-home “My Ghost Story” segment in Virginia City, Nev.
“I guess they liked my work,” he said.
On this day – Wednesday, March 24 – Settewongse didn’t experience the paranormal during his work at the business located at 10477 S. Airport Way.
“I did experience great food,” he added, raving about the French dip sandwich he had for lunch at Finley’s and the meat loaf for dinner.
In February, Deborah Finley welcomed the Lathrop-based Ghost Research Investigators of the Paranormal – or GRIP – into her establishment.
Investigator Dana Mierkey experienced “a heaviness of energy” while dining at Finley’s Bar and Grill years ago, according to her online accounts from True Ghost Tales.
About two months ago, she finally paid a visit to the owners to broach the very subject. Eventually, the owners and employees shared with her their experiences involving the paranormal, in turn, giving Mierkey and her fellow GRIP team members – included was founder Tabatha Vega and her daughter, Tyrah, Eileen VerHulst, and Chris Dulay – the OK to conduct a preliminary walk-through investigation.
They were astonished with their initial findings.
Mierkey, for one, was startled when her cell phone turned on three times in 15 minutes upon her arrival.
Tabatha’s audio recorder picked up faint voice, saying, “I’m right here.”
The GRIP team was further stunned when a large cooking pot hanging securely on a hook in the pantry came crashing down.
Since then, the group has conducted investigations at Finley’s, discovering the presence of “more than one” entity or spirit, according to Mierkey, inside the business and house located directly behind the establishment.
The place is over 100 years old.
Deborah Finley has been the owner of the establishment formerly known as Tally’s and Miller’s Post for the past 16 years.
Meanwhile, the cable and satellite network is scheduled to air the “My Ghost Story” segment of Finley’s Bar and Grill in the coming months.
Stay tuned.
The establishment located north of Manteca near French Camp will soon be featured on a segment of “My Ghost Story” on the A&E Bio Channel.
Owner Deborah Finley and her husband, Mark, were recently flown down to Culver City by the production team of Mark Phillips’ Philms and Telephision for the taping of the interview.
Last week, Zach Settewongse, a free lance videographer / cinematographer from Reno, spent an entire day filming interior and exterior shots of Finley’s Bar & Grill. His resume includes the Nike “A Single Dream” commercial and the closer-to-home “My Ghost Story” segment in Virginia City, Nev.
“I guess they liked my work,” he said.
On this day – Wednesday, March 24 – Settewongse didn’t experience the paranormal during his work at the business located at 10477 S. Airport Way.
“I did experience great food,” he added, raving about the French dip sandwich he had for lunch at Finley’s and the meat loaf for dinner.
In February, Deborah Finley welcomed the Lathrop-based Ghost Research Investigators of the Paranormal – or GRIP – into her establishment.
Investigator Dana Mierkey experienced “a heaviness of energy” while dining at Finley’s Bar and Grill years ago, according to her online accounts from True Ghost Tales.
About two months ago, she finally paid a visit to the owners to broach the very subject. Eventually, the owners and employees shared with her their experiences involving the paranormal, in turn, giving Mierkey and her fellow GRIP team members – included was founder Tabatha Vega and her daughter, Tyrah, Eileen VerHulst, and Chris Dulay – the OK to conduct a preliminary walk-through investigation.
They were astonished with their initial findings.
Mierkey, for one, was startled when her cell phone turned on three times in 15 minutes upon her arrival.
Tabatha’s audio recorder picked up faint voice, saying, “I’m right here.”
The GRIP team was further stunned when a large cooking pot hanging securely on a hook in the pantry came crashing down.
Since then, the group has conducted investigations at Finley’s, discovering the presence of “more than one” entity or spirit, according to Mierkey, inside the business and house located directly behind the establishment.
The place is over 100 years old.
Deborah Finley has been the owner of the establishment formerly known as Tally’s and Miller’s Post for the past 16 years.
Meanwhile, the cable and satellite network is scheduled to air the “My Ghost Story” segment of Finley’s Bar and Grill in the coming months.
Stay tuned.