Sister Ann Venita Britto learned a thing or two on the dance floor.At Friday’s luncheon, she was led by Aaron Wiltz, who is a consumer of Valley CAPS.The day program for adults with developmental disabilities – Wiltz is with CAPS People Learning Under Support or PLUS – along with the ABLE (Adult Behavior Learning Environment) took part in luncheon “luau” inside the St. Anthony’s School cafeteria on Friday.The event hosted by Sister Ann and her Ministry of Caring consisted of a hot meal, raffle prizes and, of course, dancing.“Turn your hips,” said Wiltz as he took Sister Ann through the dance movements.Sister Ann, meanwhile, received plenty of support. Sheila Robello, Darlene Auch, Alice Correia, and Bill Correia helped out with the preparation.Braydon Rollins, who is a sixth-grade student at the school, made use of his day off by serving guests and waiting on tables.Sister Ann and her Ministry Caring also host a luncheon for all seniors regardless of their religious affiliation.
Socializing with disabled adults at luau