Graduation at Ripon High is Friday, May 29, at Stouffer Field.
The Class of 2015 will be led by valedictorian Gagandip Singh and salutatorian Shannon Wesley. They’re scheduled to march into the stadium with the traditional tune of Pomp and Circumstance beginning at 7 p.m.
The commencement exercises at Ripon Christian High are also on the same day, same time in the gymnasium. Leading the way will be valedictorian Anne Hekman and salutatorian Eliot Chang.
At Manteca Unified, Sierra High and Lathrop High will kick off the graduation for the five compensatory high schools on Thursday, May 28, at 7 o’clock.
The special event at Sierra will take place at Daniel Teicheira Memorial Stadium with graduates being led by valedictorian Nicole Arteaga and salutatorian Anis Guedoir.
Lathrop, meanwhile, will have co-valedictorians Namrta Gill, Manpreet Singh and Melonie Vaughn leading the classmates into Benny Gatto Field.
Graduation at Manteca High, East Union High and Weston Ranch High will be Friday, May 29.
Leading the way for Manteca High are co-valedictorians Ryan Ender and Mahir Pepic as well as salutatorian Isabella Garcia Mendez. At last count, 323 seniors will march into Guss Schmiedt Field greeted by family and guests filling the both bleachers on both sides of the stadium.
Ditto that for East Union, where valedictorian Marina Flores and salutatorian Alexandria Scott are scheduled to address those in attendance at Dino Cunial Field, including classmates, teachers, and administrators.
The Weston Ranch event will again take place at the stadium.
More information is available by contacting the respective school sites or logging on to or