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Ripon appoints bond committee
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The Ripon Unified School District needed only two people to fill opening slots on the Measure “G” Citizens’ Oversight Committee.

Instead, three were appointed at the last school board meeting.

“We had three outstanding candidates so we decided to add one more spot,” Superintendent Bill Draa said.

Franklin Stephenson, who is active in the Parent Faculty Club, will be the Parent of an RUSD Student representative while Jonnie Lan and Tim Hern will both serve as Community Members at Large on the committee.

State Law required the RUSD board to appoint an oversight committee for the voter-approved Measure “G” bonds used for renovating Weston Elementary School and Colony Oak Elementary School.

The $25.2 million bond measure had enough vote for passage in November 2012.

Two of available spots had been occupied by Chad Huskey and Lori Adams, Huskey, for one, will take a seat on the school board – he ran unopposed and will officially be appointed to the his new post at the December meeting.

“He can’t serve on the school board and the oversight committee at the same time,” Draa said.

He added the three newcomers will be serving two-year terms on the committee.

The Weston project in currently underway and due to be completed in time for the 2015-16 school year, with work on Colony Oak scheduled to follow.