Members of the Citizens’ Oversight Committee will meet today at the Ripon Unified district office, 304 N. Acacia Ave.
Beginning at 6 p.m., they’ll look to adopt a meeting calendar, receive updates on project from PMI, and review budget and expenditures through May 31.
The group that oversees the voter-approved Measure G projects – namely, modernization that’s scheduled to take place at Weston School and, later, Colony Oak – will look to meet on a quarterly basis, including special meetings, if needed.
Members have determined that the first Mondays tend to work out on everyone’s schedule as well as the third Mondays.
Thus far, the committee’s progress to date includes:
• Hearing the district’s selling about $15.3 million of general obligation bonds to pay off COP for the Weston School reconstruction and the pan for the Colony Oak.
• Getting information on the Measure G construction program and preliminary timelines for both schools.
• Receiving information from PMI on the various project delivery methods such as lease/leaseback.
• Coordinating district staff and PMI on the Request for Qualification from the lease/leaseback firms (14 proposals were submitted, five firms were interviewed and three were prequalified by the board).
• Hearing that the pre-construction agreement between the district and CT Brayton was approved by the school board on June 10 for the Weston School project.
• Looking at alternative plans for the reconstruction of Weston School as evaluated by the design and construction team.
The total funds available on the Measure G budget is $25.2 million, with $9.9 million remaining in authorization.
The estimated cost for both Weston and Colony Oak is $10,100 with $300,000 in a contingency fund.
The timeline on getting Weston done is July 2015.
Measure G bond oversight group meeting