Some of the biggest development to come in the City of Ripon will be that of the northeast area near the Mistlin Sports Park.
The North Pointe Specific Plan was recently approved and elected leaders will soon do likewise for the Housing Element.
“There’s a need from time to time to cleanup, update and revise the City’s Development title,” said Planning Director Ken Zuidervaart at the recent Ripon City Council meeting.
A public hearing was held to consider amending Title 16 (Development Title) and definitions and use of classification systems, mixed use districts, planned development overlay district, specific plans, use permits, dimension regulations, parking and loading, and creating the chapter on ‘Street Design Standards.’
He pointed out that staff is recommending some of the amendments and revisions along with additions to the current Development Code.
“The Planning Commission did have some revisions that will soon be added to the Development Standards sections of the chapter that deals with garage dimensions, defining parking requirements for medium density neighborhoods, setbacks, and incorporated North Pointe plan standards,” Zuidervaart said.
North Pointe is the area bounded by the Mistlin Sports Park to the north, Fulton Avenue to the east, Highway 99 / Frontage Road to the south, and Jack Tone Road to the west. The plan calls for neighborhoods of mixed use, ranging from commercial, technology, office, recreation, entertainment and residential.
The latter had been identified as a variety of single family residential for different density housing development, from start-up families to seniors looking to stay in town.
Zuidervaart indicated that a new chapter on ‘Street Design Standards’ is being introduced. “The City has always had policies, but would like to solidify them with an ordinance,” he said.
This ordinance covers street design standards, plus public and private design standards.
Council unanimously agreed to waive the first reading and introduce the changes to the ordinances and the addition.
Ripon eyes housing growth near Mistlin