NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A bomb in a crawl space sent the owners of a northwest Louisiana horse farm flying from their bed to the floor, but they walked away uninjured by the bomb, daggerlike splinters from their hardwood floor or shrapnel that hit the ceiling, one owner said Monday.“We think it was our Christmas miracle,” Tracy Hewlett said in a phone interview from their 280-acre Holly Hill Farm Equestrian Center, which includes three houses and a couple of bunkhouses.Their three small dogs and a cat all had been on the bed and also were unscratched, she said.Authorities said maintenance worker Douglas Holley, 54, placed the explosive below their bed and faces charges of attempted capital murder and making a bomb.Hewlett said she and her husband, Bobby Hewlett, think he must be mentally ill and, while horrified by the bombing, feel sorry for him.“He’s just ruined his life,” she said.Hewlett said she and her husband had returned Friday from a weeklong visit with their son in Australia and woke about 3:30 a.m., “still on Australian time.” They were trying to go back to sleep when they heard a boom.“There was a big flash of light, and both of us went flying,” she said. “My husband flew over the top of me onto the floor by my side.”Sheets, blankets and quilts went with them.
Did worker plant bomb under bosses bed?