Seventy-three lane miles of streets are being targeted for pavement surfacing work.
The City Council Tuesday authorized both the 2017 and 2018 annual street maintenance projects to go to bid. The estimated $2.7 million tab will be covered by the local share of state gas tax as well as Measure K receipts from the half cent countywide sales tax for roads and transportation.
Residential streets will receive a micro-surfacing to prolong the life of the pavement while collector streets that receive more wear and tear from significantly more traffic are targeted for cape seals in most cases.
The streets involved are:
uGenerally bounded by Union Road on the west, Main Street on the east, Louise Avenue on the north, and Yosemite Avenue on the south.
uGenerally bounded by Airport Way on the west, Union Road on the east, Louise Avenue on the north, and Crom Street on the south.
uThe Sherwood Forest Subdivision Units No. 1 and No. 2 south of Lathrop Road, east of East Union High and north of Northgate Park and Neil Hafley School.
The city has targeted annual street maintenance projects as far out as 2021 based on a pavement condition survey conducted by a consultant. The streets that are the most pressing and need work done before they deteriorate into more costly propositions to fix are selected to go first.
The work will be done in early 2018 when weather and temperatures allow it to be done properly.
To contact Dennis Wyatt, email
Manteca improving 73 lane miles of streets