Alex Hildebrand was an engineer by training and a farmer by vocation.
He had a lifetime filled with accomplishments ranging from serving on local school boards, and being a successful farmer, to being a past national president of the Sierra Club.
But it was arguably his being one of the true students of California water issues that earned him respect from politicians in Sacramento to water experts up and down the state that gained him entrance into the Manteca Hall of Fame in 2007 in the field of agriculture.
A different route took the late Antone Raymus to his induction in the Manteca Hall of Fame in 1996 in the area of business. He parlayed a youthful investment in buying a small house in San Mateo as a rental into a home building empire that at one time allowed him the distinction of being able to claim almost one out of every four homes in Manteca was Raymus-built. Raymus used his profits for an endless repertoire of community endeavors including $100,000 in seed money to build the Boys & Girls clubhouse and $300,000 to launch Give Every Child a Chance.
Nominations are now being sought for others to join Hildebrand and Raymus in the Manteca Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2017.
The annual induction dinner and ceremonies are scheduled for Saturday, May 20, at the Manteca Senior Center, 295 Cherry Lane.
Nominees are being sought in the fields of education, business, health art, athletics, art, agriculture, government, and community service as well as at large.
Individuals nominated must have resided within the Manteca Unified School District boundaries at one point in their life. Nominations are being accepted through March. Nomination forms can be picked up at the Boys & Girls Club, 545 West Alameda Street, Manteca or emailed out by contacting Jeanie Miller at (209) 239.-5531 or
The deadline for entries is Friday, March 30.
The Selection Committee is independent of the Hall of Fame Committee, consisting of at least five members of the Manteca Hall of Fame. The membership of the Selection Committee is confidential to ensure that no politics or undue influence will impact their decisions. The committee’s charge is to choose those nominees who have met a high standard of achievement in their field.
All inductees are honored with a display at the official Hall of Fame website at and the Manteca Transit Center. The Boys & Girls Club of Manteca and Lathrop’s Board of Directors takes great pride in the founding, presenting and continuing of the Hall of Fame tradition. It is leadership by example that helps steer and guide today’s youth into being productive citizens.
Judging criteria is based on 40 percent of success demonstrated in area of nomination. The balance is for contributions for area of nominations such as significant achievements, leadership and dedication as judged by scope and length of activities.
Manteca Hall of Fame members are:
uCLASS OF 2016: Henry C. Long, agriculture; Richard Moon Yee, Health Care; Randall K. Yee, Health Care; Arnita Marie Yepez, Community Service; Peter P. Dalben, Government; Phil Waterford, special recognition; George (Joe) Handy, Education; Walker Vick, Athletics; Mike Mallory, business
uCLASS OF 2015: Aaron “Bubba Black” Goodwin, the arts; Dr. Craig Bobson, health care; Daryll Paul Quaresma, agriculture; Ruth Anne Boggs, education; Donna Shannon, at large; Albert Eugene Pagnucci, government; Lindsay Munoz, education; Robert “Budge” and Arlene Brown, business; Earl Pimentel, special recognition; and Bianca Jacklich, community service; John “Jack” Thomson, athletics
uCLASS OR 2014: Jeff Liotard, community service; John Holbrook, government; Dr. Stephen Lin, health care; Steve Winter, education; and Manteca’s “Golden Girls” — Evelyn Allen, Betty Bergthold, Kathryn Lauriston, and Selma Wrigglesworth, at-large.
uCLASS OF 2013: Bill and Lucille Harris, business, community service, and at-large; Jack Miller, athletics; Mike Henry, education; George Abdullah, Government; Greg Leland, education; Karl Konrad Wolf, health care; Randy Ernest Albertsen, athletics; and David Bricker, community service.
uCLASS OF 2012: Carol Davis, at-large; Vern Gebhardt, athletics; John Cambra, art; Mike Dillman, special recognition; Mike Davis, health care; Dave Soeth, education; Les Thomas, community service; Frank Guinta, business; and Marty Harris, agriculture; and Joann Tilton, government
uCLASS of 2011: Jack Kelley, at -large; William A. Jones, education; Donald Widmer, athletics; Jessie Marinas, art; Don I. Asher, government; Margo Young, health care; Norman Knodt, business; Kathryn Aartman-Weed, community service; and Leo Omlin, agriculture
uCLASS OF 2010: Evelyn Prouty, community service; Richard Durham Sr., education; Sammy Davis, special recognition; Susie Beeler, at large; Kirt Giovannoni, education; Dr. Mel Larson, health care; Gail Perry, business; and Janet Dyk, agriculture.
uCLASS OF 2009: Steve DeBrum, community service; Tom & Gayl Wilson, arts; Mike Morezone, athletics; Roberto Sepulveda, at large; Nick DeGroot, agriculture; Mike Atherton, business; Jim Brown, education; and Joel Tokheim, health care.
uCLASS OF 2008: Lloyd Haworth, agriculture; are Sister Ann Venita Britto for community service; Evelyn Moore for government; Anne Talcott for education; Linda Freitas-Abeldt for business; Joseph Pellegrino, at-large; Dr. Ricardo Cuevas, for health care.
uCLASS OF 2007: Alex Hildebrand, agriculture; Bea Bowlsby, business; R.C. Owens, community service; Kevin Wentworth, athletics; David Vest, health; Jay Holmes, education; Dennis Weaver, art; Eric Eisner, at-large.
uCLASS OF 2006: Ed Larimer, 2006; Harold Garvine, athletics; Dorothy Mulvihill, art; Ron Howe, at large; Charles Halford, government; Richard Richina, agriculture; Ronald Cheek, business; and Marilyn Knight, health care; Dino Cunial, education.
uCLASS OF 2005: Art Perry, agriculture; Antonette Poulos, art; Richard Prada, business; Chuck Crutchfield, community service; James Miniaci and Clare Yaekel, education; Bill Perry, government; Mary McCleary, health care; Harold Scharmann, athletics; and Richard McDonnell, at large.
uCLASS OF 2004: William “Bill” Pinto, education; Alice Valverde, community service; Raymond A. Honodel, at-large; Dr. Lloyd L. Henry, health care; Glenn Kahl, business; Larry Lenschmidt, art; Robert Albert Brocchini, agriculture; the Honorable Priscilla H. Haynes, government.
CLASS OF 2003: Ken Huckaby, athletics; Glen Eisner, art; Lucille Fry, business; Rosellen Snyder, community service; Phil Rodoni, education; Jack Gatto, at large; and Josephine Goodin, health care.
CLASS OF 2002: Robert Goodwin, community’ Bobby Davis, Business; Gladys Brock, Community Service, Dr. Eugenio Emperador, Health Care; Walter Woodward, Government; Albert Brocchini, Agriculture; James Thomas, Education; James Payan, Athletics
CLASS OF 2001: Bennie Gatto, Government; Joe Widmer, Agriculture; Maurice Agostini, Community Service; James Barber, Athletics; Denny Crockett, Art; Cutler Slamon, At-large; Robert Piccinini, Business; Leroy Darling, education.
CLASS OF 2000: Dorothy Indelicato, Art; John W. Harris, Education; Charles Shaefer, Government; Chris Carr, Athletics; Al Nunes, Business; Don Stewart, At Large; Willie Weatherford, Community Service
CLASS OF 1999: Clarese Anderson, Art; Darrel Phillips, Business; Dr. Randall Williams, Health care; Phil Harmon, Athletics; Jose Barron, Education; Barbara Hildebrand, At large; Mabel Brocchini, community service; and George Perry, agriculture.
CLASS OF 1998: Edward H. Brasmer, At-large; Bob Camden, Art; Dr. Russell P. Carter, Health care; Charlie Leo Giles, Business; Artie Fairbanks, Education; Dale Johnson, Community service; Ted Poulos, Government; Gaspare Indelicato, Agriculture; and Ted Nuce, Athletics.
CLASS OF 1997: Sadie Cabral, Business; Marion Elliott, Education; Trena Kelley, Community Service; Kim Komenich, Art; Jesse Overshiner, Government; and Paul Wiggins, Athletics.
CLASS OF 1996: Dr. Clair & Mrs. Elsie Weast, Science; Andrew Whitaker, Health care; Robert “Robin” Taberna, Athletics; Jack C. Snyder, Government; Antone Raymus, Business; Louise Moeri, Art; Joe Freitas, Community Service; Albert Fonseca, Agriculture; and Joseph Bisig, Education.
CLASS OF 1995: Scott Brooks, Athletics; Eugene Douglass, Government; Agnes Elliott, Community Service; John Gatto, Business; Benjamin Goodwin, Agriculture; Velma Gordon, Art; Grace Rhoads, Education; and Dr. Robert C. Winter, Health Care
CLASS OF 1994: Frances Bynum, Community Service; Milo Candini, Athletics; Frank Jessee, Business; John McFall, Government; Tom Olson, Art; Guss Schmiedt, Education; Howard Shideler, Agriculture; and Judy Vasquez, Health care.
CLASS OF 1993: Joshua Cowell, Government; Alfred Goodwin, Agriculture; George McParland, Education; George Murphy, Community Service; and Ed Powers, Business
Manteca Hall of Fame seeks 2017 nominees