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Roughly $30K raised so far for campaign to pass Measure Q
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Councilman Mike Morowit believes Measure Q is the right thing to assure Manteca’s future is safe.

It is why he plans to write a $500 personal check to help fund the ”Yes on Q: Smoother Streets, Safer Neighborhoods” campaign.

“(Measure Q) is the only solution going forward to improve roads and keep Manteca safe” Morowit said on Wednesday.

Measure Q is the 20-year, ¾ of a cent sales tax on the Nov. 5 ballot.

It is designed to raise $13 million annually to help upgrade city streets and enhance public safety.

The two biggest public safety items are a new police station and a sixth fire station with the hiring of nine firefighters to staff it 24/7.

“The main thing for me is public safety,” Morowit said. “Measure Q will help keep Manteca safe as the city grows.”

Among the donors that have written checks to help the Yes on Q effort is City Manager Toni Lundgren and her husband. They have already made a personal donation of  $1,000 toward the roughly $30,000 the committee has collected so far.

It’s a complete reversal of the last effort in 2020 that would have raised the city sales tax a cent that failed by 1,376 votes.

Elected leaders — or even city employees in leadership roles — didn’t open their wallets to run a campaign because there was none.

Thos time around, the Manteca Police Officers Association and Manteca Firefighters Association have endorsed the tax measure.

The treasurer for the Yes on Measure Q is Ron Light.

Board members include Lundgren, Manteca Police Chief Stephen Schluer, and Manteca Fire Batalltion Chief Sterrie McLeod.

For more information on the committee, access “Manteca YES on Measure Q” on Facebook.


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