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Ripon’s maintenance building taking shape
ripon corporate yard
Construction on the City of Ripon’s Fleet Maintenance Facility along Doak Boulevard is currently taking place. Some design changes such as wall tile, light fixtures, and doorframe and hardware were needed due to additional grading and paving.

No discussion was necessary as the Ripon City Council approved the change order on the currently-under-construction Fleet Maintenance Project.

According to the staff report from the Dec. 12 meeting, the new City of Ripon corporate yard along Doak Boulevard required some design changes due to additional grading and paving.

“The original bid package did not provide for vehicle access to a secondary gate near the southwest corner of the site,” said the report from Associate Civil Engineer Christiana Giedd.

The cost related to this change was $25,447 – the contractor requested the change in order to regrade this area and extend the concrete pavement to the gate.

Changes were also needed to the restroom wall tile. According to the report, the materials selected at bid time was discontinued.

“The architect has worked closely with the contractor to select a suitable alternative that minimizes the cost increase,” Giedd said.

The additional cost related to this change was $1,201.

The city did receive a minus-$2,256 credit for the light and wall mount fixture changes.

Changes to the doorframe and hardware was required for future security measures on electric hinges and hollow metal doors to accommodate future wiring.

“This modification will allow the city to add a keycard system in the future,” Giedd added.

The difference in cost between the original doors / hinges and the proposed doors / hinges was $1,993.

The total cost on this change order was $26,385 – payment will be allocated via the Corporate Yard AB1699 Fund; Water, Sewer & Storm Enterprise Capital Fund; and the General Capital Fund.

The Fleet Maintenance Facility Project, which calls for construction of a 12,500 square foot maintenance building and parking lot, was awarded to Diede Construction about year ago.

The facility, once completed, will serve as the new maintenance and operations building and vehicle wash for the City of Ripon’s Public Works Department.