The City of Ripon could soon have signs around town to provide directions to travelers.
At Tuesday’s 6 p.m. Ripon City Council meeting, staff is scheduled to present the proposed wayfinding signs including an electronic one at City Hall.
Plans include placing such signs at key spots in town to direct traffic to Mistlin Sports Park and Historic Downtown, according to Planning Director Ken Zuidervaart.
He noted in his report that staff has been working with a local vendor along with the Ripon Chamber of Commerce regarding a wayfinding sign master plan for the City of Ripon.
“Outside of the downtown area, there are 16 proposed sign locations. Each location would include the installation of a decorative pole, similar to the City’s decorative light poles in our downtown, and a wayfinding sign,” Zuidervaart said.
Plans for the installation of an electronic message center monument sign would be place in front of City Hall along Wilma Avenue.
“The sign is proposed to replace the existing police department monument sign and would be double sided so that traffic traveling on Wilma Avenue will be able to see the sign from either direction,” Zuidervaart added.
United Signs – the same company that constructed the historic Ripon arches – has proposed a comprehensive wayfinding sign package.
Cost for the entire project is estimated at $137,000 paid via the General Department Capital Fund, the report said.
Manteca just over three years ago placed three dozen wayfinding signs around their city to provide direction to everything from Great Wolf, Bass Pro Shops, Big League Dreams and Woodward Park to hospitals, downtown, police services, and other attractions.
More information can be found at (click on to Feb. 14 City Council regular meeting, agenda packet).