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Ripon planners approve 12-court tennis complex
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The Ripon Planning Commission recently approved a major site plan permit for the Mistlin Sports Park Tennis Complex.

Construction of the 12-court tennis project at 1210 E. Clinton South Avenue, according to Planning Director Ken Zuidervaart, is anticipated to done in multiple phases.

Phase 1, for starters, would consist of six initial tennis courts equipped with the associated lighting and fencing, on the south / east area of the site.

Phase 2 would follow.

Zuidervaart said at the May 20 session that he’s anticipating this to include the remaining six courts along with the associated lights and fencing, with its location being planned in the center of the site. A restroom facility and a 194-stall parking lot would also be part of the second phase.

As part of the project, all existing structures on the 5.63-acre site would be demolished.

The City of Ripon and Love-Love Ripon Tennis Foundation, a local nonprofit spearheaded by Di Quaresma, have been working together on this project.

Quaresma, who is the president of Love-Love Tennis Foundation, became frustrated with the state of the City’s tennis courts at Ripon Community Center that she started the foundation to help build the new tennis facility.

She and other local tennis enthusiasts have been conducting fundraising efforts since 2021. Quaresma told Commissioners that the budget for Phase 1 is “just under $1 million” – The Love-Love Tennis Foundation has raised $250,000 of the necessary $500,000 needed thus far, according to Quaresma.

The main objective for Love-Love Rion is to elevate tennis by bringing in the new courts, ensuring the opportunity for everyone to learn and play the sport, develop skills and offer USTA tournament while making Ripon the epicenter for tennis.

As for the existing tennis courts, Mark Glenn and Sue DaBranca earlier asked about the condition and the resurfacing of the courts at the Community Center.

DaBranca is part of a community pickleball club, consisting of about 60 players. She was told by the Department of Parks & Recreation a project such as that would have to go out to bid.

Even with utilizing all courts, DaBranca noted that there are still not enough courts for people who what to play. “Several residents go to nearby cities to play pickleball,” she added.