The City of Ripon is offering free brush pick up of leaves, tree and brush trimmings, from now through Jan. 31.
This includes Christmas trees, which, along with loose yard trimmings and leaves, should be placed on the street away from sidewalk gutters.
According to the Public Works Department, the reason for that is gutters need to remain clear in case of water runoff.
The green waste requirements for pickup calls for the following:
- No waste of any kind can be deposited outside of pruning of tree branches and leaves.
- No tree stumps.
- Do not bag or tie down the trimmings.
- Removal of stand from Christmas tree.
- No artificial trees.
Public Works noted that it will not be necessary to call City Hall in the event that trimmings are not picked up.
A special Public Works crew, in this case, is around to do some follow up by picking up trimmings each week after perusing the neighborhoods.
This crew does not have a set route.
If Public Works misses a pickup of yard trimming one week, they’ll be around to get it on the following week.
More information can be found at