Registration forms at Ripon High for the upcoming school year are now available.
The packets can be printed online ( or picked up at the school office.
School officials are strongly encouraging that families complete the necessary paperwork prior to student registration period known as Pow Wow scheduled on Aug. 4-5 in an effort to save time.
The first day of school at Ripon Unified is Wednesday, Aug. 11.
Back to the Pow Wow.
On Wednesday, Aug,. 4, seniors and juniors, in addition to turning in their completed registration packet, can pick up their text books, class schedules, ID cards, etc., in the North Gym from 8 a.m. to noon.
Sophomore and freshmen can do likewise on Thursday, Aug. 5, anytime between 8 a.m. to noon.
In addition, older students or upperclassmen (juniors or seniors) can bring their younger siblings (freshmen or sophomores) during their Pow Wow session, for family convenience.