Ripon High was among the Future Farmers of America chapters to compete in the UC Davis Field Day.
The event held March 7-8 consisted of FFA and 4-H students, competing in 20 agriculturally based judging contests, including livestock to farm business management.
The Ripon High team put together a strong effort in Small Engines, placing first in Technical Skills overall. Grady Hall, individually, took fifth in that category.
The local FFA chapter – in Small Engines – also placed second overall in Trouble Shooting, fourth in Identification overall, fourth Problem Solving overall, fourth Team overall, and fifth in Theory overall.
According to UC Davis, Small Engines is a career development event that’s intended to train contestants on skills and safety procedures related to small engine repair and diagnostics.
UC Davis students from a variety of majors once again coordinated the various contests, with faculty, staff, and local community members volunteering their time to make this two-day event possible.