Parking spaces could be at a premium when 2023 rolls around along —and near — a long stretch of Moffat Boulevard on week days.
That’s because of two things:
*Altamont Corridor Express will be stopping near the Manteca Transit Center — four in the morning and four in the afternoon or evening. ACE estimates boardings at the Manteca station for the initial four trains will reach 1,500 passengers on a daily basis.
*Manteca High is not only expanding the campus to a accommodate 2,200 students up from the current 1,850 but the construction of the new main gym and other high use facilities that attract spectators are now being orientated toward Moffat.
*The ACE passenger platform will virtually be across from Manteca High.
*As a truck route, semi-truck parking as long as trailers are attached to tractor cabs is legal unless the city posts signs that say otherwise.
Not only is a commuter train station is such close proximity to a high school campus unheard or but there is no other ACE station nestled next to a downtown or bordered by a major arterial just as Main Street.
Given commuters who do not arrive via bus, bicycle, on foot or aren’t dropped off will need to leave their cars parked for a minimum of 10 hours it could create problems.
Commuters, if adequate transit center parking lot spaces aren’t available, could end up parking on residential streets west of Manteca High, in commercial lots as at the Hope Chest, Kelly-Moore Paints, and Bank of America, or municipal lots such as the one behind the for former Kelly Brothers Brewing Co. being remodeled as the Veranda Banquet & Events Center.
Commuters are also likely to park in street spaces along Moffat as are those attending events at Manteca High or even students if the district doesn’t create enough on-campus parking spaces to handle a programmed enrollment of 2,200 that could go higher down the road depending upon growth pressures.
Such situations may create pedestrian and traffic safety issues not just by Manteca High but toward Main Street as well.
There would likely be a demand for the city to roll out a sticker system for on-street parking in the neighborhood west of Manteca High as well as establishing parking time limits and enforcing them.
Property being obtained
to expand transit parking
In a bid to address future needs a former recycling center and a house next door are destined to be converted into commuter parking.
The City Council Tuesday authorized spending $350,000 to buy a two-story home at the southern edge of the Manteca Transit Center parking lot on Moffat Boulevard well as setting aside up to $175,000 for relocation assistance for the owners.
Earlier this year the city bought the former recycling center next door for $350,000 as well. The purchases plus the expansion of the current transit center parking lot are being funded from a $2.8 million federal grant.
The parking lot expansion is needed for the start-up of Altamont Corridor Express commuter service to San Jose and Sacramento starting in 2023.
The deal that secured State Senate Bill 1 that increased the gas tax also included $400 million to extend ACE service south to Ceres by 2023.
The initial service includes three northbound ACE trains originating in Ceres. They will travel to Natomas north of downtown Sacramento. There will be shuttle service between Natomas and Sacramento International Airport.
A fourth ACE train will go from Ceres to San Jose.
The new ACE service includes stops in Modesto, Ripon, and downtown Manteca. The trains heading north to Sacramento will also stop in Stockton and Elk Grove.
ACE is also working on extending service to Merced later this decade to connect with California High Speed Rail trains.
The current transit station parking lot has over 100 spaces.
Based on how ACE has indicated it will operate the Manteca stop, the passenger loading platform will be located at a point roughly midway between the Moffat Community Center/VFW Hall and the transit station. That would avoid trains stopped to allow the boarding and disembarking of passengers from blocking the Main Street crossing.
Manteca High also
expanding parking
The Manteca Unified school board has authorized the district to start taking steps to obtain a motel along Moffat to allow the expansion of student parking by roughly 60 spaces.
Even with the 200 to 250 existing spaces that currently exist in the student parking are it may not be enough to accommodate the parking needs of a high school with a future enrollment of 2,200.
It is why the district is seeking expansion opportunities involving property that borders the campus.
They are currently looking to complete purchases of homes south of Mikesell Street to allow for the construction of 10 standard classrooms as well as a potential Career Technical Education (CTE) complex.
To contact Dennis Wyatt, email