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Manteca plans $10.3 million in road upgrades before year end

Manteca is undertaking five significant projects in the coming months to tackle a backlog of pressing street maintenance needs.

The latest contract was awarded Tuesday by the Manteca City Council.

It is for $1.5 million to place micro-surfacing slurry seal and cape seal — along with striping — in the area bounded by Yosemite Avenue on the north, Spreckels Avenue on the east, Moffat Boulevard on the west and Main Street on the west.

The work area includes Manteca’s original modern subdivision, Powers Tract, along South Powers Avenue between Yosemite Avenue and Moffat Boulevard.

It will mark the second time since the neighborhood roads were constructed in 1952 that there has been wholesale road maintenance done.
The other projects are:

*Upgrading pavement on West Yosemite Avenue between Airport Way and the railroad tracks that serve as the city limits with Lathrop. The work will start later this month.

*Work is now underway on Louise Avenue between Main Street and the roundabout east of the Highway 99 overcrossing.

*A contract has been awarded to improve Lathrop Road between Highway 99 and Lathrop Road. Work will start next month.

*Bids are now coming in  for a $2 million project to make safety improvements on North Main Street between Alameda Street and Northgate Drive.

Typically, the city has between $4 million and $5 million a year via gas tax receipts and Measure K funds to perform road work.

The other projects are being funded with one-time money include state safety grants for the Main Street project as well as federal COVID relief funds.

The Main Street work includes:

*the installation of bike lanes.

*raised medians.

*median fencing to prevent pedestrians from crossing mid-block.

*enhanced pedestrian crossings

*a High Intensity Activated Crosswalk Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon signal system at the Main Street intersection with Edison Street.

*slurry seal from Northgate Drive to Alameda Street.

*traffic signal loop modifications along Main Street from Northgate Drive to Alameda Street.


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