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Manteca may tackle loitering outside of stores via new law

Store owners dealing with problems of the homeless — and others — loitering may soon have a tool to enable Manteca Police to help address the problem  more effectively.

The Manteca City Council when they meet Tuesday at 6 p.m. may amend the municipal code to basically allow police to go after loitering and trespassing on private property.

If adopted, the prohibition can’t be enforced unless property owners purchase signs costing $30 apiece from the city that cites the appropriate section and warns loiters and trespassers that they  will be cited.

At the minimum, it gives police the authority to get loiterers to move on.

It complements the city’s existing anti-camping ordinance on private property.

But unlike that law that requires the property owner to file a letter with the police department and periodically update it throughout the year, the postings of the signs will suffice to give police the authority to enforce anti-loitering rules.

Throughout 2023, the Manteca Police officers have increasingly observed loitering on private property.

The department has also received a growing number of complaints from private property owners and businesses regarding trespassing and loitering. 

In a report to the council, Police Chief Steve Schluer noted officers primarily observe trespassing and loitering near busy shopping centers, gas stations, and convenience stores where people will loiter and solicit customers for money, engage in illegal drug and alcohol use, sleep near building entrances and exits, and vandalize property. 

Trespassing is a common issue on vacant properties throughout the City where a property owner and/or his/her/their agent are not continuously present. 

 The police chief said as a result, business operations are impacted, customers are discouraged from entering businesses, and the safety and welfare of residents and customers are compromised.

Currently, the Manteca Police Department utilizes a Trespass Arrest Authorization form pursuant to California Penal Code Section 602, which provides property owners or businesses the ability to make a single request with the Police Department to enforce Section 602 at the property. 

The ordinance amendment will provide an additional mechanism for the Police Department to address trespassing and loitering under the Manteca Municipal Code.

Similar ordinance amendments in Lodi and Stockton has approved the effectiveness of officers in those two cities to address loitering.


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