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Manteca Chamber backs Measure Q sales tax increase
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The Manteca Chamber of Commerce board has voted to endorse the City of Manteca’s three-quarter of a cent sales tax on the Nov. 5 ballot.

“It will be beneficial for strong growth,” Chamber Executive Director Joan Beattie noted of the gist of the board’s rationale in lending the chamber’s name to the Yes on Q effort.

The chamber has roughly 300 members.

The business group looks at the tax measure projected to raise $13 million on an annual basis as a way to strengthen the economy for business and residents alike.

Beattie point out strong public safety, good roads, and having needed municipal facilities and amenities are key to a city.

The tax measure, if passed, would only be in place for 20  years.

Measure Q has been endorsed by the Manteca Police Officers Association and the Manteca firefighters group.

Unlike the proposed 2020 one cent Measure Z sales tax hike with no sunset provision to end after a number of years, there is no organized opposition so far for Measure Q.

Measure Z, which failed by 1,376 votes, was the exact opposite in terms of organized campaigning.

There was no organized committee to push for passage of the tax measure but there was one that effectively worked toward defeating it.

Manteca leaders have said roads and public safety will be the top priority for Measure Q receipts.

That includes building a sixth fire station in southwest Manteca and manning it 24/7 with nine firefighters.

It also includes a $56 million police station at the future extension of Wawona Street and Milo Candini Drive to replace the current one that is a third the size and was built almost 50 years ago.


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