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Lathrop seeking applicants for council vacancy
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The Lathrop City Council is looking to fill a vacancy.

That opening was due to Paul Akinjo becoming mayor following the recent elections, and longtime mayor Sonny Dhaliwal being voted in as the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisor District 3 representative.

At Tuesday’s meeting, elected leaders opted to fill the vacancy via appointment – the other option was a costly special election.

Akinjo, who was part of the process of being appointment, recalled his selection being “quite contentious.”

For that, he favored the candidate with the third most votes during the Nov. 5 election, which, in this case, was former Councilman Steve Dresser.

He collected 20 percent of votes or 3,424, behind re-elected officials Jennifer Torres-O’Callaghan (7,059) and Minnie ‘Cotton’ Diallo (6,274).

Dresser showed interest and had his fair share of supporters in attendance at the monthly session.

The next vote-getter in line was not an option for various reasons including only having a quorum – a three-member council, minus Diane Lazard.

Vice Mayor Torres O’Callaghan and Diallo supported filling the vacancy by appointment as one of two options on the posted agenda.

That 2-1 vote paved the way for a special meeting, which will be held to consider the applications and appointment at 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 6, at City Hall Council Chamber, 390 Towne Centre Dr.

Those interested can also pick up an application at City Hall in person or via email (website: Applications are due Thursday, Jan. 2, by 4 p.m.

The term for the person appointment will be through Nov. 3, 2026, which is the next general election.

For more information, call the Lathrop City Clerk office at 209.941.7230.