The City of Lathrop is in search of the next Economic Development Administrator.
Shelley Burcham is currently listed in that position.
A special session was scheduled for Monday, in part, for the Lathrop City Council to adopt a resolution authorizing the over-hiring of one Economic Development Administrator position through July 2025 – elected leaders would be required to amend the position control roster.
“Staff (was) aware of her intent to retire after over six years with the city,” said the staff report for the 7 p.m. meeting in Lathrop City Hall’s Council Chamber, 390 Towne Centre Dr.
July is listed as her last day with staff saying it’s “imperative” to immediately begin recruiting for this highly specialized position.
“The goal is to fill the position before the incumbent’s retirement so there is some transfer of institutional knowledge,” as noted in the report.
Staff will recommend that the Council authorize the City Manager to over-hire for the position for approximately three months – that added cost for the newcomer is about $49,000.
Added staff: “A budget adjustment is not requested as staff relieves budget savings in the current City Manager’s Department budget will cover most, if not all, of the over-hire expenses.”
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