Hope’s Closet benefitting Ray of Hope youngster as well as the public is scheduled to reopen on Saturday.
Due to COVID-19, the Manteca thrift store located at 1030 W. Yosemite Ave. and the Ray of Hope Children’s Crisis Center, 113 W. Yosemite Ave., have been closed this past week, according to Executive Director Laura Saunders.
Hope’s Closet was briefly closed for a 10-day period after the holidays, in part, to replenish items. All proceeds benefit the various Ray of Hope programs.
The store officially opened for business about a year ago, offering a variety of clothes, shoes and apparel for people and children of all ages.
Those who are referrals from the various agencies – Child Abuse Prevention Agency, San Joaquin County Protective Services, etc. – to the local non-profit organization, and are able to shop in anonymity for clothes and other items at Hope’s Closet.
Hope’s Closet also changed the times on accepting clothing donations. The new hours are from noon to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with only three bags of clothes being accepted per drop off.
Larger donations will be accepted by making a scheduled appointment.
Hope’s Closet will not accept the following:
- Dirty, unlaundered clothes.
- Used underwear, socks or undergarments.
- Used beddings other than those for infants.
- Used baby bottles or formula.
- Used pillows.
- Used toys or stuffed animals.
More information is available by calling 209.597.0574 or clicking on to rayofhopesanjoaquincounty on Instagram for updates.