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Mayor: Bypass from Library Park to Moffat is key to downtown’s future
downtown bypass
Mayor Gary Singh envisions having through traffic pass behind the southside of the 100 and 200 blocks of West Yosemite Avenue by extending Moffat Boulevard westward to connect with Yosemite Avenue near Library Park. There is room between the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and the Tidewater Bikeway for two lanes of traffic

The key to downtown Manteca’s future, as Manteca Mayor Gary Singh sees it, is first addressing through traffic.

And there needs to be a solution that addresses two issues that have citywide impacts beyond downtown.

*The city needs to make sure there is a functional east-west street in central Manteca to access not just downtown but commercial and medical facilities on opposite sides of the city.

*Main Street needs to function as a major corridor given it is the only north south street that runs from Lathrop Road and Woodward Avenue that is east of the Union Road and Airport Way corridors.

Singh’s solution would eventually see Main Street four lanes through downtown.

But perhaps even more critical is making it possible for Yosemite Avenue downtown to go under a metamorphosis into a corridor that is more friendly to pedestrians, al fresco dining and entertainment venues.

And the way to accomplish that from Singh’s perspective is to swing through traffic off of Yosemite Avenue once it crosses the railroad tracks by Library Park, run it behind the 100 and 200 blocks on the southside of Yosemite and align the “bypass” with Moffat Boulevard at Main Street.

Moffat is wide enough to be reconfigured to four lanes from Main Street almost all the way to Spreckels Avenue without requiring any construction.  

It would allow motorist to bypass downtown congestion to reach Target and the rest of the Spreckels Business Park area commercial by traveling on Moffat to Spreckels Avenue and turning left.

Singh noted such a move is necessary as Manteca’s downtown — unlike others in  nearby cities — sits smack dab in the middle of two key streets for crossing the city in order to reach shopping, medical offices, recreation and other draws.

It is a solution that doesn’t rely on “discouraging” people to use Yosemite Avenue to cross the city by making travel time consuming and forcing them to detour through nearby neighborhoods which in return would reduce the quality of life for those residing there.

It allows Yosemite Avenue from Center Street to Library Park to be “rethought”. One possible change could include wider sidewalks for outdoor dining that could include diagonal park with one-way traffic.

Singh emphasized that is just open possibility. But by shifting through traffic around downtown to its southern edge and not forcing it through neighborhoods it allows more possibilities. At the same time, it still takes advantage of east-west traffic to help fuel business for downtown.


Yosemite Avenue

is vital corridor for

Manteca’s central area

Singh’s proposal  takes into account that Yosemite Avenue is the only east-west street in Manteca that connects commercial areas on both sides of the city with the central district. Also, either along Yosemite or within three or so blocks is Manteca’s two hospitals, two of its three high schools, and similar community facilities.

At the same time, it acknowledges that moving traffic from the growing southeast area of city to Main Street in downtown is limited as Yosemite Avenue could never be widened to four lanes without wiping out all on-street parking spaces. This is a major concern given Manteca with 89,500 residents today could easily be at 120,000 by 2040.

The flip is also true. Yosemite through the heart of downtown could never be narrowed to widen sidewalks that is key to encouraging the type of restaurants many say they’d like to see with expansive outside dining. Not only would it allow dining patios but it would allow trees that will really provide shady and appealing canopies such as sycamores that you find in Library Park to be planted.

It would allow the city to bring a four-lane road into downtown from the southeast — Moffat Boulevard. The design for the Highway 120 Bypass/Highway 99 upgrade calls for a new Austin Road interchange and the creation of robust tie-in with Moffat Boulevard that will have improved connections to the fast growing southeast Manteca as well as Atherton Drive.

Manteca High’s public face within two years will be off of Moffat complete with a new gym and swimming pool as well as access to the football stadium and more.

The City of Manteca’s most inspiring municipal building — the Manteca Transit Center with a four-faced clock tower — is on Moffat. The transit center, by the way, is an ideal location for a “remote” community access point for basic city services such as bill paying should the city opt to go that route in the future.

Moffat Boulevard can easily accommodate four lanes with a turning lane. And because it connects with Spreckels Avenue that runs between Moffat and Yosemite, those residing west of Main Street that want to reach Target and the surrounding commercial area can bypass downtown traffic with a slightly out of the way route that will be faster thanks to only dealing with T-intersection and almost no concerns on the south side expect for the Manteca Veterans Center, the transit center, and three private properties.

It is a solution that can address not just downtown but also further transform the Moffat corridor and finding a more effective way to connect growing southeast Manteca to the central part of the city where the high school from students living in that area happens to be located.

Such a move would need an aggressive planning effort to not just upgrade the appeal of buildings along the south side of the 100 and 200 blocks of West Yosemite but to create dual entrances, front and rear. Actually, it creates a new canvas, if you will, to significantly overhaul facades in ways you can’t do now with business fronts flush to the sidewalks along Yosemite.

And by creating two vibrant east-west streets between the western apex of downtown at Library Park and Manteca High you will plant the seeds for true urban renewal efforts such as apartment complexes, buildings with ground level commercial space and/or offices with residential uses above between Yosemite and Moffat.

Not a quick solution

Singh said it will take time to transform downtown.

And while he believes his idea for traffic is the best way to go, there still has to be buy in.

If that is accomplished there would need to be studies, financing secured, and actual work done to make to happen.

That said, getting circulation squared away will allow downtown’s transformation to start in earnest

And more importantly perhaps with any idea for downtown plan there needs to be buy-in and commitment from elected leaders so it will survive numerous council election cycles.

Singh noted Manteca cannot separate its downtown from other development and growth decisions in the community due to its the unique location still at the geographic center of the city after 104 years, the extremely robust railroad presence destined to become even stronger, the city’s street system, and  the fact growth is occurring in all four directions.

To contact Dennis Wyatt, email