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Drop-off box for ballots for March 5 election is located at Ripon City Hall
ballot box
Official ballot drop boxes can be found in several locations, including Manteca City Hall, 1001 W. Center St.,

The Presidential Primary Election is March 5.

The City of Ripon announced this week that the official ballot box will be located outside, between the Ripon Police Department and City Hall, 259 N. Wilma Ave.

“The San Joaquin County Registrar of Voters wants to make voting by mail more convenient by providing a ballot drop box in Ripon. Residents can easily cast their ballot by dropping it into the red, white, and blue ballot box 24 hours a day in its new location,” said the city in its official website,

Included were these drop-off ballot tips:

·         Make sure to sign the outside of the envelope.

·         Vote by Mail ballots can be dropped anytime, 24/7, from now to Election Day (March 5).

·         Residents may drop off a Vote by Mail ballot on behalf of other voters with their permission.

For more information, call Ripon City Hall at 209.599.2108.