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Dribbles splits car wash proceeds with MUSD sports, PE programs
Dribbles splits car wash proceeds with MUSD sports, PE programs
The East Union High cross country team is is selling Dribbles car wash tickets. High school teams and elementary efforts to fund sports-related purchases that participate in the Dribbles offer will keep 50 percent of the proceeds from every car wash ticket they sell.

Scott Brooks — an East Union High graduate who helped the Houston Rockets win the 1994 NBA Championship and current head coach of the Washington Wizards — knows how tough it can be for high school sports teams to pay for equipment as well as elementary schools to raise funds for athletic related expenses.

Brooks, who owns Dribbles Car Wash on North Main Street, has decided to offer any high school sports programs or elementary groups raising funds for sports-related items such as scoreboards the opportunity to have a “hands free” car wash fundraiser.

Participating programs that want to raise money through a car wash can do so by simply selling tickets for a car wash at Dribbles. Each ticket is split 50-50 with the team receiving 50 percent of the proceeds and Dribbles keeping 50 percent. The tickets can be sold year round. There is no expiration date for the ticket to be used for a wash.

Lathrop Elementary School — where Brooks attended — was the first school to receive tickets. Brooks will match all of their sales through a certain date. That means if Lathrop school sells $4,000 worth of car was tickets they will receive $4,000 — their 50 percent plus Brooks’ match.

Selling tickets so far are the East Union Cross Country Team and the East Union High Quarterback Club.

“Growing up in the area I was provided with amazing opportunities from athletics,” Brooks said. “My wife and I want to make sure we do our part to give back to the community that gave so much to us. My Mom loved Dribbles Carwash so this is my way of honoring her thru giving back to the amazing kids in the area.”’

For information on the Dribbles fundraising program contact Michele Ballard at (310) 709-5562.

Ballard noted it not only eliminates the need for Saturday car washes but is also conserves water.

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