The Manteca Bulletin is selling its building at 531 East Yosemite Avenue.
The 6,000-square-foot building was purchased in 1973 to house both the press as well as offices. Since then a larger press was obtained and it is now housed in leased space.
Morris Newspaper Corp/California also plans to sell the Oakdale Leader building in downtown Oakdale with the objective of reducing its office space there as well.
Both buildings are available for sale. Please contact Hank Vander Veen at the Manteca Bulletin (209 249-3503) for any inquiries. Broker commissions will be honored.
Part of the decision to sell the Manteca building is based on more of the staff working remotely, a trend the pandemic accelerated. Also over the years as operations were computerized and tech evolved to require smaller equipment it was possible to eliminate space requirements for darkrooms and other pre-press production.
Both the Bulletin and the Leader will continue to have offices in their communities.