Melanie Greene believes students deserve an education that will inspire them to realize their limitless potential.
She mentioned that based on her experience as a teacher and, previously, as a kindergarten- through- eighth- grade principal.
Greene is currently the Director of Continuous Improvement & Support for the San Joaquin County Office of Education.
She's running for Manteca Unified school board Trustee Area 3.
If elected come Nov, 3,Greene says: "I will serve our community by amplifying the voices of our families and educators while putting the needs of students (in MUSD) first."
Her husband is Sierra High teacher Jeff Greene — they're parents to a young son.
Melanie Greene is a product of MUSD. A 2003 graduate of SHS, she also attended Brock Elliott Elementary School.
She grew up doing plenty of volunteer work around town and is now looking to serve the community in which she was raised.
Greene's involvement in her education career includes being a policy maker with the state Department of Education in Sacramento. She's credited with designing California's new system of support, which prioritizes local control of each school district while focusing on getting resources and just-in-time support to the various schools and districts.
With SJCOE, Greene works with districts and schools across SJC in designing and facilitating professional learning aligned to priorities and needs of students.
Melanie Greene is conducting a virtual town hall meeting to hear "your celebrations, concerns and hopes for the future" at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, on Zoom (, Facebook (@MelanieforMUSD) or by emailing MelanieforMUSD@gmail.