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6 rain damaged disposal ponds in Ripon need work
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Restoration work is needed at the City of Ripon’s disposal ponds at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

These were the same disposal ponds that were impacted by the high volume of rain experienced in late 2022 and early 2023.

During this time, the rate of percolation was significantly reduced and an emergency contract was needed soon after, increasing the height of the levee surrounding the seven disposal ponds to allow for additional storage.

Work on four of those seven ponds were completed.

At Tuesday’s Ripon City Council meeting, staff will request the hiring of Triple M Enterprises, Inc. to skim off the top four and deep rip two more of the seven ponds.

The cost is $60,000, which, pending approval, would be paid via the Sewer Enterprise Capital Fund.

Open session for the monthly session is 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 259 N. Wilma Ave.

In other agenda items:

·         Elected leaders will look at a resolution for a grant of a public utility easement by Liberty Self Storage, LP, for certain real property to the City of Ripon in connection with the Liberty Self Storage Project.

·         They’ll approve and authorize the mayor to sign an amendment to the professional services agreement with California CAD Solutions, Inc., to incorporate public works maintenance activities as part of the GIS program. Cost would be about $11,000 from the Water Operating Fund.

·         They’ll also approve a change order for electrical modification by Diede Construction Inc. on the Fleet Maintenance Facility Project, adding rubber base board to the bottom of the walls inside the shop.

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