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264 more apartments near Kaiser
Proposed project means Yosemite median, signals at St. Dominic’s Dr.
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Traffic signals at St. Dominic’s Drive and Yosemite are part of the improvements that the construction of a proposed 264-unit apartment complex will require.

The Yosemite Family Apartments complex is being proposed for a 9.2 acre parcel on the south side of Yosemite Avenue bordered by a business park on the east and undeveloped land on the west.

The site is zoned commercial mixed use which, under the updated general plan zoning adopted in 2023, allows multiple family housing.

The environmental checklist for the project being advanced by Pacific West Affordable Apartments notes frontage improvements must be made to West Yosemite Avenue.

That is in addition to a raised median, a left tun pocket for eastbound Yosemite traffic to reach Kaiser medical offices, a main entrance that ties into St. Dominic’s Drive complete with traffic signal as well as two additional right turn only driveways onto West Yosemite from the apartment complex.

The actual complex will consist of 10 three-story buildings with apartment units ranging from 600 to 1,175 square feet.

Units will be available to households that, based on the number of people, will rent for between 30 and 60 percent of the average median income from Manteca.

The rent is based on household income.

That is similar to the 153-unit Juniper Apartment affordable housing complex on East Atherton Drive east of Van Ryn Avenue. Juniper Apartments were built 13 years ago.

The city last year approved plans for a 62-unit apartment complex north of Yosemite Avenue and west of Kaiser Hospital that is in the process of expanding its emergency room.

It is planned for what will be the northwest corner of Fishback Road — which will be extended north — and Yosemite Avenue.

Ultimately Fishback and Yosemite will have a roundabout.

There is no time table set for the roundabout construction.

It likely won’t occur until Fishback Road is extended north of Yosemite Avenue to eventually connect with Center Street.

Center Street will ultimately extend to Airport Way.

The existing T-intersection currently gets significant traffic twice a day when Sierra High is in session.

Unlike the city’s first roundabout on a major arterial that was placed on Louise Avenue between the Highway 99 overcrossing and Cottage Avenue, the Yosemite Avenue one will not be off-center.

It will be closer in design to the Grantline Road/Eleventh Street roundabout east of Tracy where a four-lane and two-lane roads intersect.

The south side of the Louise Avenue roundabout  was already developed with housing. That is why it was shifted to the north..

Plans for the 62-unit apartment complex calls for three buildings with 57,024 square feet. There will be 32 one-bedroom apartments and 30 two-bedroom units.

The complex will have 110 parking stalls. Of those 62 will be covered, 36 will be uncover and 12 will be dedicated to charging stations for electric vehicles.

Roundabouts help keep traffic flowing while reducing extended waits at intersections that can be negative on air quality as idling vehicles are a large source of air pollution.

Traffic signals that now cost upwards of $750,000 to install are also more expensive than roundabouts. They also cost more to maintain.

Access to the Yosemite Avenue Apartments will be from Yosemite Avenue. A second access will be added when the city extends Fishback which would run between the eastern edge of the proposed apartment complex and Kaiser.

To contact Dennis Wyatt, email