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254 tickets issued in day-long traffic safety crackdown
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Run a red light now at Daniels Street and Airport Way — regardless of the hour of the day or night — and you will get a $490 ticket.

The end of the 30-day grace period for the red ought camera comes five days after a multiagency traffic safety saturation patrol issued 254 citations throughout the city.

There were 301 traffic stops on Thursday.

It included two DUI arrests, four motorists driving on a suspended license, and six drivers that were unlicensed.

Four vehicles were towed, one felony warrant arrest made, and one parole search conducted.

The traffic citations ran the gamut from speeding, unsafe lane changes, using a cellphone with a hand while driving, rolling through stop signs, and such.

The city is able to do the stepped up enforcement at least once a year through its participation with a countywide traffic safety effort that they assist conducting in other cities as well.

Thursday’s effort saw the  Manteca Police Department assisted by traffic enforcement units from Tracy Police Department, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office, Lodi Police Department, Stockton Police Department and Lathrop Police Department for the Saturation Traffic Enforcement Program.

The 30-day grace period when just warnings are issued ends the first week of April for red light cameras at Northgate Drive and North Main Street.

Red light cameras are also being installed at Union Road and Yosemite Avenue, Yosemite Avenue and Northwoods/Commerce, and the Main Street and Louise Avenue intersection.

To contact Dennis Wyatt, email