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19.6% of Manteca households have 5 or more people
curran grove
The Curran Grove neighborhood, built in 2001, is typical of Manteca’s development pattern since the 1970s.

One out of every five households in Manteca have five or more people living under the same roof.

It is a growing trend.

And it’s not necessarily because they are larger families moving to Manteca per se.

More and more new homes — and resale homes — are seeing multiple generational families.

Among that trend, according to new home sales agents, are those who have bought larger homes and then rent out bedrooms to help cover mortgage payments.

The statistics on the size of households are part of the latest state-mandated housing element update.

A breakdown of household sizes shows:

*10.2 percent of households consist of people living alone.

*60.2 percent consist of four to four persons.

*19.6 percent have five or more residents.

Budlers in recent years have offered floorplans that include separate entrances for a suite of rooms that often includes a mini-kitchen and living area to accommodate two households in one home.

The update compiled by a consultant tapped into American Community Survey data collected by the Census Bureau to provide a snapshot of Manteca’s housing.

As of 2022, an estimated 57.7 percent of households consist of renters.

Data shows the owners, or head of households, are:

*0.4 percent under the age of 24.

*5.25 percent between 25 and 24 years old.

*10.0 percent between 35 and 44 years of age.

*12.1 percent between 45 and 54 years of age.

*6.9 percent between 55 and 64 years of age.

*6.3 percent between 65 and 74 years of age.

*9.6 percent between 74 and 84 years of age.

*4.9 percent 85 years or older.

The majority of the housing units in Manteca — single family homes, apartments, duplexes, and mobile homes — are 25 year or less in age.

Using 2020 data, some 17.7 percent of housing units were built before 1970.

Generally, according to the housing element documents, structures older than 30 years begin to show signs of deterioration and require reinvestment or protect their quality.

Housing 50 years or older — unless they have been properly maintained — may require major renovation to remain in a good, livable condition.

A survey conducted with the update indicated 12 percent of respondents said their homes were showing signs of minor deferred maintenance while another 8 percent said they needed moderate repairs or upgrades.

No one surveyed said their homes were in poor condition and in need of repair.

The survey regarding what improvements were needed indicated that:

*47 percent identified landscaping.

*29 percent exterior improvements such as roofing, painting, and general home repair.

*29 percent indicated heating/air conditioning, solar, and electrical upgrades.

*18 percent said they wanted to build an auxiliary dwelling unit.