MODESTO - The Modesto Junior College Science, Mathematics, and Engineering (SME) Division are again offering a Science Colloquium series for the fall semester.
The free mini-seminars are offered on a wide variety of timely topics under the theme of “Science That Matters.” The short, informal presentations are held on Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Science 208 on East Campus. All sessions are open to the public and admission is free. Campus parking passes are $1 and can be obtained at various ticket dispensers located in the student parking lots. For more information contact the SME division office at 575.6173.
The speakers and topics for the fall semester are:
•Sept. 26: Bill Anelli, MJC Philosopher, “When Experts Disagree: Whom Should I Trust More?”
•Oct. 3: David Martin, MJC Biologist, “Yosemite Toad Discoveries”
•Oct. 10: Randy Schack, Great Valley Energy Solutions, “Science and Economics of Rooftop Solar Electricity Systems for Modesto”
•Oct. 17: Steve Murov, Ph.D. Chemistry, “Fascinating Chemicals: Morphine, Penicillin, Water and Others”
•Oct. 24: Olivia Tong, “Epidemiology and Health Disparities in Stanislaus”
•Oct. 31: Donna DaSilva, RN, “Iron Men (and Women) Disease: Hemochromatosis”
•Nov. 7: Ted Fisher, Ph.D., Medical Physicist, “What Exactly Is a Medical Physicist?”
•Nov. 14: Dave Froba, Stanislaus Co. Audubon Society. “Where and When to Find Birds in Stanislaus County”
•Nov. 21: Cece Hudelson-Putnam, MJC Geographer, “Cancer Cluster Research in Stanislaus County; an Introduction to Medical Geography”
•Nov. 28: Bobby Hutchison, “Recent Progress in Defeating AIDS”