The gardens were situated along streets that are aptly names - Shady Oak, Appleleaf, Maple Valley, Ashbridge, Rose Briar, and Pepper Tree, with Chimney Point and Cobblecreek thrown into the horticulture-inspired mix.
For its fourth annual garden tour, Woodbridge at Del Webb in Manteca, 10 of the best private Edens at this age-exclusive community were featured. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, the second day of June, garden tour visitors were treated to an eyeful of horticulture varieties, creative landscaping by various local businesses, and the extraordinary talents of the featured homeowners whose artistic acumen were stamped in their lovingly tended personal paradise.
Professional interior designer Frances Kennedy’s personal touch was evident in the lavish landscape that’s her own brainchild with installation by Hector Gonzalez. Resident and avid gardener Ellie Engstrom did both the design and installation of her garden with the help of Silver Tree Landscaping. The same kind of partnership was the case for some of the other gardens. Roger and Judy Goodnow found a perfect landscaping and gardening partner in Brian Mendez, their son-in-law, who is the owner of Buena Vista Landscaping. In fact, Brian and his wife Lisa, along with their daughter Briana, were part of the welcoming party at the Goodnows’ garden.
Jim and Rosemary Cadle found just the professional partner they were looking for in Spring Creek Landscaping whose work can be found in both residential and prominent commercial projects that include the Bass Pro Shops in Manteca. Like many of the homeowners, the Cadles are fully hands-on gardeners. The retired judge, who continues to work on the bench as needed, admits to be the green thumb in their marital partnership. His better-half, he laughed good-naturedly, fills the supervisorial role she perfected as a long-time teacher.
Jack and Carla Marquardt realized their vision of a garden for both relaxation and entertaining with the expert help of Lisa Bosch of Landscape Creations by L. Bosch & Associates, and Hector Gonzalez Landscaping. The professional landscapers indulged Carla’s love of vegetable gardening by installing a free-form elevated planter whose wide edging does double duty as extra seating when the couple hosts an al fresco party.
Similar partnerships helped create the lavish gardens of Ray and Robi Cornelius with help from Nature’s Image and Sutton Landscaping, and Dan and Marilyn Armstrong who also utilized the services of Silver Tree Landscaping. Lisa Bosch’s work was also evident in the dream gardens of Dave and Connie Reed, and Bill and Cindy Bolin.
The $12 admission ticket to the garden tour included lunch served in the Lakeview Clubhouse, opportunity drawing for prizes donated by various businesses and residents, plus shopping opportunities for farm-fresh produce, plants and various garden goodies courtesy of Poot’s House of Cactus and Silverado Nursery, both of Ripon.