RIPON — A teen vandalism spree that occurred during the late night and early morning hours last week in Ripon saw three teens being cited for felony vandalism and a mother charged as being an accessory to the destruction.
Ripon Police Sgt. Terry Jensen said it all began with teens driving all over town before midnight last Thursday and egging cars and other vehicles. Later in the early morning hours Friday, teens were reported smashing car windows, spray painting and even leaving a swastika symbol at one location.
Sgt. Jensen said it was a “mean spirited” attack that damaged 18 vehicles and caused an estimated $3,000 in damages. Five teenagers were cited for the initial egging, she added. The two charged with felonies were from Ripon and one from Escalon who was actually living in Ripon.
At 5 a.m. a woman resident was awakened by the sound of breaking glass and witnessed bricks being thrown through car windows. She called police with a description of the vehicle and its 16-year-old driver. Police located the Toyota 4-Runner parked at the home of one of the boys some two hours later.
When officers contacted the mother she allegedly was telling the boys to run out the back door where they reportedly jumped a fence. The teens were apprehended and the mother, Jennifer Tyson, 39, was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and for being an accessory in the case.
Sgt. Jensen said she wanted to complement the citizens for calling the police.
“They are our eyes and ears on the street,” he said.
The sergeant also lauded the police work of Officer Alex Burgos who located the car at 7:30 a.m. and Officer Scott Lindsay who conducted the investigation
Teen vandals wreak havoc in Ripon, mom cited as an accessory