An annexation that includes a proposal to build 93 homes is moving through the planning process.
The Manteca Planning Commission Tuesday will consider an 88-acre annexation as well as plans for the 93-home Silva Estates that encompasses 24 of those acres. The commission meets at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center, 1001 W. Center St.
The 88 acres border the southern edge of Woodward Avenue and straddle South Union Road.
The homes are planned by Anderson Homes on the eastern most portion of the land being annexed. It will involve extending Pagola Avenue that fronts Veritas School to the south of Woodward Avenue. The annexation also will touch the northern most edge of the Manteca Unified School District’s site for a fourth Manteca comprehensive high school.
Initially only the land where Anderson Homes wants to build Silva Estates was proposed for annexation. Local Agency Formation Commission policy though discourages creation of islands or piece meal annexations. Instead the agency that must approve any changes in a jurisdiction’s boundaries favors annexations that are logical and don’t leave gaps.
Surrounding property owners have agreed to be annexed although there are no plans at the moment to develop the other parcels.
Even though Manteca has roughly 850 finished lots still available for new home building, the project won’t create a surplus of available lots in the current market.
That is because it takes at least three to four years to move a project through the process to the point it can break ground. The earliest any activity in terms of physically preparing the 24 acres for home construction could take place is 2013.
At Manteca’s current pace of home construction it will take about three years to exhaust the current supply of buildable residential lots that have services and streets already in place.
The Manteca Planning Commission Tuesday will consider an 88-acre annexation as well as plans for the 93-home Silva Estates that encompasses 24 of those acres. The commission meets at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center, 1001 W. Center St.
The 88 acres border the southern edge of Woodward Avenue and straddle South Union Road.
The homes are planned by Anderson Homes on the eastern most portion of the land being annexed. It will involve extending Pagola Avenue that fronts Veritas School to the south of Woodward Avenue. The annexation also will touch the northern most edge of the Manteca Unified School District’s site for a fourth Manteca comprehensive high school.
Initially only the land where Anderson Homes wants to build Silva Estates was proposed for annexation. Local Agency Formation Commission policy though discourages creation of islands or piece meal annexations. Instead the agency that must approve any changes in a jurisdiction’s boundaries favors annexations that are logical and don’t leave gaps.
Surrounding property owners have agreed to be annexed although there are no plans at the moment to develop the other parcels.
Even though Manteca has roughly 850 finished lots still available for new home building, the project won’t create a surplus of available lots in the current market.
That is because it takes at least three to four years to move a project through the process to the point it can break ground. The earliest any activity in terms of physically preparing the 24 acres for home construction could take place is 2013.
At Manteca’s current pace of home construction it will take about three years to exhaust the current supply of buildable residential lots that have services and streets already in place.